An Email Marketing Game Changer: Gmail Predictive Unsubscribe

Have you noticed all the changes to Gmail over the past year? Google has been busy upgrading the Gmail app with a visual redesign and other helpful features, such as a confidential mode and smart replies. But one new feature is raising concern with email marketers: predictive unsubscribe.

How to Convert Data into Actionable Results

Best-in-class marketers are 56% more likely to use data and analytics platforms. Why? Because the best marketers know that data, when used well, is the best way to get results.

What Is Influencer Marketing (and Why Does It Matter)?

Social media has also spawned all kinds of new marketing tools. Among them are influencers, people who’ve turned their knowledge of a topic, as well as their personalities, into a business.

What Is Growth Marketing?

Keeping up with marketing jargon can feel like a full-time job as tools and techniques get re-nicknamed seemingly all the time. As a case in point, in this blog we’re going to be talking about growth marketing — but you might be more familiar with this concept being referred to as “growth hacking” or something… Continue reading What Is Growth Marketing?

Top 5 Customer Retention Marketing Strategies

One of the most important aspects of running a business is your level of customer retention. Making a one-time sale simply isn’t enough; you must aim to create a loyal customer base that will stick with you over the years. And to effectively build this type of brand trust and client loyalty, you need a… Continue reading Top 5 Customer Retention Marketing Strategies

10 Tips for Better Behavior-Based Segmentation

Segmenting customers based on their buying and decision-making patterns is essential to effective, personalized marketing. Human beings are creatures of habit, and those habits show up in the way people purchase products both in-person and online. To help your company streamline marketing tactics here are ten helpful tips for enhancing your behavior-based segmentation.    … Continue reading 10 Tips for Better Behavior-Based Segmentation

Top Tips for Clients During & After Lockdown

Einstein said “In the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity,” and while cutting through the uncertainties of this particular crisis may seem challenging, but many businesses are going to come through in good shape and some will even find new ways to flourish. And providing tips for clients looking to fall in the latter… Continue reading Top Tips for Clients During & After Lockdown

Why a Powerful MarTech Stack is a Must-Have During a Recession

As we all work to navigate our way through the current crisis, it can be tough to find the positives to hold onto. It can be helpful to take comfort in the many ways people are coming together in our country with efforts that are truly unprecedented. Many professional communities and leaders in the industry… Continue reading Why a Powerful MarTech Stack is a Must-Have During a Recession

Benefits of Great Website Design

As the age-old saying goes, “There is only one chance to make a great first impression.” When looking to communicate with modern audiences, the best way to do so is through your website. The uses of web design aren’t limited to simply providing a great look for your business—there are several key benefits to great… Continue reading Benefits of Great Website Design

Top Tips for Tailoring Your Digital Customer Experience

With so much of the buyer’s journey taking place online, it’s essential to enhance the customer experience as much as possible. Your digital experience is often the only opportunity you have to engage with prospects and leave a positive first impression — and you only have a few seconds to do so. Tailoring your digital… Continue reading Top Tips for Tailoring Your Digital Customer Experience